I have lived with mental health troubles for most of my life—from childhood to the present I have been in and out of the community behavioral health care system. I know that the dominant narrative of how help is given needs to change.
Life can be hard and sometimes It outright sucks but I find it sucks less when being with others. Be it me or a community you seek to bond with for the first time or if returning from a social exodus I can help facilitate relating. As a liaison I work often in tandem with a licensed clinician but also solo to help turn insight into action. Sometimes I’m just what you need me to be in that moment; a hat in a rainstorm, an ear to vent, a reality checker, an idea bouncer — probably a pain in your ass—all of which I’ll be there for support.
I offer peer support with: Harm Reduction, Strengths-based and judgement- free engagement with self directed goals, 1-on-1 and group meetings in the community or office, and 1-2 hr sessions 1-3x per week
Email: dan.morganstein@rayoco-op.com